Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Corbin had an appt. with an orthopedic specialist yesterday. The plan is to sedate him (put him out—unconscious) Wednesday morning and non-surgically realign his Radius to within 1 to 2mm of what the bone was before the break. Apparently it’s an extremely painful procedure, but because the growth plate is affected it has to be done. Anyways, they’ll cast it after that and he’ll be wearing that for a minimum of 6 weeks. Good times. For the 10-15 minutes they had the splint off, he was scratching his arm constantly.

One of the other options he was given was a local sedative with the same realignment process. He actually would have opted for that if they could have done it right there and then.

Anyways, that’s the latest. I’ll let you know how Wednesday morning goes.

1 comment:

Matilda said...

Well...how did Wednesday morning go!??!