Saturday, February 16, 2008

The broken wrist story as told by Corbin:

He's here with me now. I will transcribe the events that unfolded verbatim as he dictates them to me.
"So, there I was, minding my own business going down the hill. I was no more than 200 feet away from base riding right by the trees. When all of a sudden, an old geezer comes out and blindsides me, scaring the crap out of me! He falls to my left and I fall after him with my wrist crashing into the side of his snowboard. After I pulled myself together, I sat up and realized something was wrong with my wrist. And, of course, the old geezer started blaming me. After he bailed, I attempted to put my glove back on, but when I tried my hand twisted abnormally, and at that moment I knew my wrist was broken. I felt light headed and very nauseous at seeing my hand twist in such an awkward way. Bam!"

The arrows in the above x-rays indicate where the break's in both the radius and the ulna are. The last pic doesn't show both very well because it's the side view where both bones are inline with each other.


Matilda said...

That's downright NASTY!!

How long did the doctor say it will take to heal?

Is it the left wrist? If in the heck are you going to write? You'll have to get a secretary at school. ;)

Runnin Rat said...

Oh, that bites! I think I would have made the old geezer carry me down the hill!! BTW, how 'old' was he, if Corbin says 40 I will die!

Maynard said...

It's his right wrist. He'll be OK writing and doing school work (except for maybe his trumpet) although he has mentioned a few times how he wishes it were his left.

This old geezer was in his 50's he says. Still, I'm accused of being an old geezer nearly constantly, so...