Friday, February 22, 2008


A few things are swimming through my mind tonight. I came home from work early because I suddenly felt extremely ill, became rather flushed and turned red as a beet feeling like my skin was going to boil right off. Anyways, I made it home safely with the windows open and cold air blowing through the car. When I recovered from whatever it was, I cleaned up the dogs mess.

So far I’ve had no takers on my offer for a free dog. Go figure. Everybody must already know what he does on the carpet—all over the carpet. Stupid dog! Is it too much to ask that the dog bark or something when it needs to be let out? Rather than bark, the idiot dog cowers in a corner somewhere (I’m assuming that because he doesn't poop until I'm asleep) and waits til it can’t wait no more and then lets loose, crap flying every which way. Or he takes 5 or 6 dumps at various times during the night, each in a different spot. I’ve shampooed the carpet so many times this winter I’m going to start vacuuming up patches of worn-out carpet! Well, no more mister-responsible-dog-owner. He's sleeping outside forever!

Westerns. Westerns—as in movies. There needs to be more Westerns. Good Westerns. I watched Open Range tonight. Good movie actually. Would have been a great movie too, IMHO, if they had eliminated altogether, or at least significantly reduced, the romance that developed between Kevin Costner’s and Annette Bening’s characters. Sheesh! It was forced and cheesy. Seriously though, how many really good westerns have been made over the past 20 years? Half a dozen? Maybe? Certainly no more than 10. And if there are more—what are they?

I’m hungry. Maybe I’ll go make myself a grilled cheese sandwich. Maybe grilled tuna and cheese with tomato. Or maybe I’ll just go to bed.

I’m skipping tomorrow altogether by the way. Don’t even think about bothering me til Sunday!

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