Thursday, February 14, 2008

Alison Moyet

I needed to get a hard case to stick my Oakley's in so they don't get damaged in transit so I started looking around for one on the internet. Found the Pelican 1030 Micro at and to get free shipping, I needed to spend a few $'s more so I ordered Alison Moyet's Singles CD.

Who is Alison Moyet? Well, have you heard of Yaz (Yazoo in the UK)? Alison Moyet and Vince Clarke (of early Depeche Mode fame and currently part of Erasure) put out 2 albums in the 80's. I'd marry Alison Moyet just for the sound of her voice! Go to and listen to some of the samples. Maybe you'll become infatuated with her voice as well. Or maybe not. Maybe I'm just goofy.

For those who were curious about my trip up to Logan yesterday:

She has applied for a scholarship in the Special Needs Education program (not sure that's what it's really called, but that's basically it). There were close to 400 applications submitted and only 80 were selected to come in for the interview/presentation thing. Of the 80 only 15 will be awarded the scholarship which, I believe, includes full tuition and fees for 4 years.

We got there without incident about an hour early. No problem. We found the parking terrace and the building, went inside and waited. Hay studied her presentation and I read my Abnormal Psychology text book. Finally, her time came around and she, along with about 15-20 others made the rounds through 3 "activities." One was an interview with admissions and or important college people. Another was the presentation where she was to "sell" the college to "prospective students." The prospective students were also important college people associated with the scholarship she's hoping to get. The last was a group activity in which she and a few of the others in her group did some team-work exercises. She came out of each of them feeling positive and upbeat. She said as we left that she had a really good feeling, but questioned whether it was because she felt good about her performance or if it was because she was done.

Anyways, it had been snowing for about the last hour that she was doing her thing. At about 1:00 when we left, it was coming down pretty good and there was about an inch or more of the cold, white stuff on the ground. Between Logan and Brigham City is a mountain pass we had to drive through. With the snow coming down fairly heavily, I was a bit concerned. Fortunately, the roads were only wet and slushy save the last stretch from Mantua into Brigham City. We made it through that OK though and I only saw one car that had spun off the road.

We hit I-15 and headed south. Not far from Brigham City the wind really picked up and was blowing snow like crazy. There were a few instances where it was nearly white-out conditions. Near the town of Willard I moved from the right lane into the inside lane to pass a line of really slow moving semi's only to find myself in a lane that was quite slick--and traffic ahead of me was braking to avoid an accident that was being cleared. I knew for sure I was going to rear end the GMC in front of me! Gratefully, I did not rear end any vehicle at that point in time. After moving back into the open lane, we drove through Ogden--again in near white-out conditions. Good times. We finally were able to speed up to near 60 mph around Bountiful, but we were right back to 40 or below as we came into North Salt Lake. All the way through the Salt Lake Valley, I don't think we got going any faster than 35 mph. Going up over the Point of the Mountain traffic slowed down again considerably but we made it across and home without incident. And our timing couldn't have been better! There were a few semi's that jackknifed just after we crossed the point that had traffic backed up from 5:00 to 10:00 last night!

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