Monday, August 16, 2010

Does anybody even read this?

I'm not suggesting that you should, but I am curious if, on the odd chance, somebody does peruse these mostly pointless ramblings.

The cool blogs are generally well written and draw the reader into the subject matter no matter how boring it might normally be. How do I get there? How do I do that?

I've written interesting blurbs before. Entertaining blurbs even.


Well, let's start with the most recent and interesting thing I've done. I hiked Mt. Timpanogos. 11,749 feet. Went up this time on the Aspen Grove trail and spent the night at Emerald Lake. Rather than taking a tent, I opted for a simple nylon tarp--and I didn't even really need it except for maybe a ground cover. No moon so the stars were very bright.

I was asked if I saw much of the Perseid meteor shower, to which I replied no. I recall waking up to a bright flash at some point during the night, but I can't really say that it was a meteor or maybe a dream. I did have some weird dreams that night before I actually got to sleep.

At about 4:00 a.m. I was again awakened by what seemed like a mass exodus. From my sleeping bag I had a clear view of the trail leading up to the saddle and what I was was actually rather cool--except for the racket: a steady stream of flashlights heading up the trail. They were making their way up to the summit for the sunrise. Just before sunrise we could look up to the summit and see what appeared to be hundreds of legs dangling over the edge.

Yeah, I'm bored telling this story. If I'm bored telling a story it's not going to work. I'll end now. Sorry folks.


Katie said...

I'm here. I always read, and your thoughts are always interesting and your stories enjoyable. I am so jealous to hear about all your hiking and camping. I would give anything to be able to take a run down the canyon on a cool summer morning. I'll just have to stick with the treadmill or the sweltering humidity.

Maynard said...

Now I feel a bit guilty. Maybe I should finish the tale of Mt. Timpanogos and tell more of my running exploits. Except I haven't had any running exploits since June...

Missy said...

I read you too... and you should listen to your mother about the sunscreen. Ouch.

Runnin Rat said...

Yes, I read....but only when you write. I hate reading the same story over and over again, day after day, month after month. I like it better when you write more often. HINT :D

Tracy said...

Ditto what Rat said. I read anytime you post. I might not always comment, but I always read!!

Rita said...

Present and now accounted for.
Your blog writing doesn't have to be as enticing with a snappy title like yours though ;)
Love reading this.

Maynard said...

Ritaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Glad you're here!

Matilda said...

I'm here, too....almost gave up on you, though... ;o)