Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Alrighty then. Let's get this done!

Mid- to fore-foot strike, mid- to fore-foot strike. Proper form!

Hey, good song!

I wonder how long til the freeway construction eliminates this road as a running option? They've cut down a lot of the trees! If they've been doing all the road work at night, they sure have been quiet.

This song bites--skip. Remember to just delete the song when you get back.

Proper form!

Yep--the shoe is rubbing my instep the wrong way. I bet I could duct tape a solution. Tape under the arch on the insole and have it extend up a couple inches further--that ought to do the trick!

I think I'll do my double loop and get 5.5 miles out of this run.

Where does all this garbage come from? Do people just drive out here and unload it all in the ditch? Wouldn't it be just as easy to dump it in the garbage can at home?

Dog! It's barking and heading my way--is it gonna come after me? Probably not. Phew!

How far off the road would you like me to be, you moron?!

Two miles--and they're both sub-9!

How am I going to get the training and mileage in before Top of Utah? It's less than a month away! Holy Crap! Maybe I should walk on the treadmill for a couple of hours later tonight.

Wow! That's a lot of gravel in those rail cars. I wonder when FrontRunner is going to be done?

Seriously, you've got the whole road--why do you have to move all the way over to the side I'm on?

Am I heel striking? Mid-foot, mid-foot.

I wonder if the boy is looking for me? How many times will he have called before I get back? I bet he'll expect me to accommodate him tomorrow. Well, he's out of luck if that's what he's thinking.

I think I'd better head back to the house rather than picking up the extra 1.5 miles. Four is good. And that stitching rubbing my foot is really getting to be bothersome. Hurry home and fix the shoe.

Three miles! Yay me!

Is that a hawk? Sure is small if it is. Will it feel threatened if I look at it? If I look away will it come after me?

Hey look, it's Steve's house!

I'm going to have a nice blister when I get home, I just know it!

Ooooh--a snake! Dead snake.

Almost done. Should I go across the road and run on the trail? Nah--I've got to go a tenth of a mile or so to get my 4 in.

Holy Crap! This has got to be the longest tenth of a mile I've EVER run in my life!

Done. Finally. 4.01 miles. 8:58 average pace. I am the man!

Hurry and cross the road. Helloooooo-oooooooo. Dude! Can't you see me? I'm walking here.

Dang! And here comes another good song just as I finish! Oh well--it'll just have to wait 'til my next run to play.

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