Saturday, August 21, 2010

I'm sitting at home, alone, sporting a migraine, again.

I am truly blessed.

Or cursed.

It's one of the two.

And American Fork Canyon is closed for a bit tomorrow on account of the Tour Of Utah but I can't find a time listed anywhere. I know it's posted on a sign at the mouth of the canyon, but I'd really like to know before I head up that way so's I don't get stuck waiting for an hour.

Given the alone and migraine stuff, I'm leaning towards cursed.

Further proof?

Went camping last night with my Addi. Setting up the tent I realized the tent fly is MIA. And then, about an hour into the sleepy-sleepy time, the mattress decided to develop a gaping hole.

That's OK, or so I tell myself. Both are due to be replaced anyways. Especially the tent.

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