Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Jimmy's off to the Afghanistan

Get the "live" cuts off the greatest hits!
Maybe this isn't it, but it might be one thing that I'd change. It just shows up a bit further down the priority scale.
What I really want to see is the complete and total elimination of "live" tracks on greatest hits compilations--unless of course the title is Greatest Hits Live. Yes, this is one of those pathetic gripes I have that I like to spout off on once in a while.
So, any record execs out there reading my blog, Efforts in Futility: A) don't you have better things to be doing? like B) put out greatest hits compilations WITHOUT the live tracks. The only exception to this rule (aside from the Greatest Hits Live thing) is this--the only live tracks allowed on the "non-live" greatest hits CD would be those that were played regularly and became hits in and of themselves, but the original studio version should also be included unless it, in and of itself, was a complete flop. Even then, I'd probably include it just to satiate idiots like myself who are generally insatiable on such matters.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Hershey Squirts...
Hershey, the dog, is back inside tonight. It's raining and I feel as though I may have been too hard on the poor pooch. And, quite possibly, I've found the problem--and it very well may be that it's my error (thinking the dog should be smarter than he is). I may have given him too much room to call his own at night. So, tonight I've put up his crate and put his pillow inside it. Tonight when I go to bed, the door closes and we'll see what happens. Seems that dogs don't like to poop where they sleep so you give them room to stand, turn, and lay down, and that's about it. And then, first thing in the morning, outside to poop in the same spot with the same instructions and the same reward.
I hope that I'm that lucky.
Tomorrow, my brother James leaves for Washington to begin his Afghanistan deployment. Two months in Washington (state) training and ten months in Afghanistan doing whatever it is his unit does. I wish him well. I hope and pray he is kept safe and well and is able to return to his family in the same condition they sent him out in. His wife, two girls and one boy should be well cared for in his absence--both his and Ruth's families are local and willing to do whatever. Me included.
OK, I gotta get off the Internet and start reading. I have been majorly negligent as far as keeping up with my reading assignments for my two classes. Bad Maynard! Bad!
Friday, February 22, 2008
So far I’ve had no takers on my offer for a free dog. Go figure. Everybody must already know what he does on the carpet—all over the carpet. Stupid dog! Is it too much to ask that the dog bark or something when it needs to be let out? Rather than bark, the idiot dog cowers in a corner somewhere (I’m assuming that because he doesn't poop until I'm asleep) and waits til it can’t wait no more and then lets loose, crap flying every which way. Or he takes 5 or 6 dumps at various times during the night, each in a different spot. I’ve shampooed the carpet so many times this winter I’m going to start vacuuming up patches of worn-out carpet! Well, no more mister-responsible-dog-owner. He's sleeping outside forever!
Westerns. Westerns—as in movies. There needs to be more Westerns. Good Westerns. I watched Open Range tonight. Good movie actually. Would have been a great movie too, IMHO, if they had eliminated altogether, or at least significantly reduced, the romance that developed between Kevin Costner’s and Annette Bening’s characters. Sheesh! It was forced and cheesy. Seriously though, how many really good westerns have been made over the past 20 years? Half a dozen? Maybe? Certainly no more than 10. And if there are more—what are they?
I’m hungry. Maybe I’ll go make myself a grilled cheese sandwich. Maybe grilled tuna and cheese with tomato. Or maybe I’ll just go to bed.
I’m skipping tomorrow altogether by the way. Don’t even think about bothering me til Sunday!
Free to a good home!
What am I talking about?
The worlds most stupidest dog.
Any takers?
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Anybody remember Roxette?
Update II
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
One of the other options he was given was a local sedative with the same realignment process. He actually would have opted for that if they could have done it right there and then.
Anyways, that’s the latest. I’ll let you know how Wednesday morning goes.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
The broken wrist story as told by Corbin:
"So, there I was, minding my own business going down the hill. I was no more than 200 feet away from base riding right by the trees. When all of a sudden, an old geezer comes out and blindsides me, scaring the crap out of me! He falls to my left and I fall after him with my wrist crashing into the side of his snowboard. After I pulled myself together, I sat up and realized something was wrong with my wrist. And, of course, the old geezer started blaming me. After he bailed, I attempted to put my glove back on, but when I tried my hand twisted abnormally, and at that moment I knew my wrist was broken. I felt light headed and very nauseous at seeing my hand twist in such an awkward way. Bam!"

Saturday afternoon...
Saturday morning...
Maybe I'll head over to American Eagle later and see what $25 will buy me.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Yes, she's an Ambassador for USU
Here she's being presented with an official USU t-shirt. Somehow I figured it would be "bigger" or more than just a t-shirt.
And now she's headed back to work. Personally, I don't think she was a lick of good for the rest of her shift.
Lest there be any more confusion, YES, SHE GOT THE SCHOLARSHIP--4 YEARS FULL TUITION AND FEES!!
Utah State University Ambassador Program and my Hay
Utah State University Ambassador Program
- Scholarship awards full out-of-state tuition and fees for the first two semesters (1 year), after which students will receive full in-state tuition and fees per semester for the remaining six semesters. Students will qualify and can apply for Utah residency after 12 continuous months and financial independence.
- Applicants must have a minimum 3.4 GPA and 23 ACT/1060 SAT to be considered.
- In addition to a separate application, applicants must submit an extensive recruitment portfolio and letters of recommendation.
- This award only applies to undergraduate coursework. A student must enroll and complete at least 12 credit hours each semester for a total of 24 credits per year to remain eligible.
From the Ambassador Scholarship application: The Ambassador Scholarship is awarded annually to approximately fifteen incoming freshmen and five transfer students. The scholarship is awarded for up to eight semesters, provided a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 and 24 credits per academic school year are maintained and the recipient participates in all ambassador functions as assigned by the Admissions office. As an ambassador, students meet weekly to coordinate and perform recruitment activites. While on scholarship, ambassadors are asked to participate in a variety of recruitment events including high school visits, student host weekends, preview events, and other recruitment programs. Additional participation in recruitment committees and campus involvement is encouraged.
University Ambassadors should be well-rounded individuals who have demonstrated ability in and outside the classroom and reflect the quality of students admitted to Utah State University. Because the primary function of the ambassador program is to assist future Utah State students, ambassadors should have strong interpersonal skills, the ability to work in team environments, and display enthusiasm for Utah State. Students who have demonstrated extensive high school involvement in extracurricular activities such as student government, club involvement, service coordination, and other significant leadership opportunities are encouraged to apply.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Alison Moyet
Who is Alison Moyet? Well, have you heard of Yaz (Yazoo in the UK)? Alison Moyet and Vince Clarke (of early Depeche Mode fame and currently part of Erasure) put out 2 albums in the 80's. I'd marry Alison Moyet just for the sound of her voice! Go to Amazon.com and listen to some of the samples. Maybe you'll become infatuated with her voice as well. Or maybe not. Maybe I'm just goofy.
For those who were curious about my trip up to Logan yesterday:
She has applied for a scholarship in the Special Needs Education program (not sure that's what it's really called, but that's basically it). There were close to 400 applications submitted and only 80 were selected to come in for the interview/presentation thing. Of the 80 only 15 will be awarded the scholarship which, I believe, includes full tuition and fees for 4 years.
Anyways, it had been snowing for about the last hour that she was doing her thing. At about 1:00 when we left, it was coming down pretty good and there was about an inch or more of the cold, white stuff on the ground. Between Logan and Brigham City is a mountain pass we had to drive through. With the snow coming down fairly heavily, I was a bit concerned. Fortunately, the roads were only wet and slushy save the last stretch from Mantua into Brigham City. We made it through that OK though and I only saw one car that had spun off the road.
We hit I-15 and headed south. Not far from Brigham City the wind really picked up and was blowing snow like crazy. There were a few instances where it was nearly white-out conditions. Near the town of Willard I moved from the right lane into the inside lane to pass a line of really slow moving semi's only to find myself in a lane that was quite slick--and traffic ahead of me was braking to avoid an accident that was being cleared. I knew for sure I was going to rear end the GMC in front of me! Gratefully, I did not rear end any vehicle at that point in time. After moving back into the open lane, we drove through Ogden--again in near white-out conditions. Good times. We finally were able to speed up to near 60 mph around Bountiful, but we were right back to 40 or below as we came into North Salt Lake. All the way through the Salt Lake Valley, I don't think we got going any faster than 35 mph. Going up over the Point of the Mountain traffic slowed down again considerably but we made it across and home without incident. And our timing couldn't have been better! There were a few semi's that jackknifed just after we crossed the point that had traffic backed up from 5:00 to 10:00 last night!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Logan, UT
Monday, February 11, 2008
Oakley Half Jacket review
- I ran faster
- I exerted less effort
- I looked hot!
- I fatigued less
- I recovered quicker
- Beautiful women were much more likely to disrobe along the trail.
OK, so absolutely none of that is true. Well, maybe #3. Anyways, I ran 6 miles during lunch today and found that the sunglasses worked as well or better than any of the sunglasses I've owned previously. Could I have gotten by with a $30 pair? Probably, but we'll see after I've run a while in these.
I'm not wearing them mountain biking...
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Friday, February 8, 2008
15 years

Thursday, February 7, 2008
Waiting for the other shoe to drop.
I've been covering for a lady at work for the past month--she's been off on medical leave due to a work related injury. Yeah, I work in an accounting office. What kind of work related injuries happen to accountant types? Paper cuts? Respiratory problems related to sniffing white-out? Actually, she slipped in one of the hallways coming in to work one day and did some damage to her rotator cuff.
So anyways, she's been off on medical leave and I've been doing some of her stuff. Most of it has been easy, but the last couple of days I've been compiling and entering the stats for all of the hospitals we account for. And the last two days I've just had this feeling of impending doom in the back of my head. I know I'll forget something and I'm afraid it will be terribly important. But I also know I was given maybe 2-3 hours of training for something that is only done once a month and I've had a whole month to forget just about everything I was taught. I've managed to do OK and if I do have any problems, I think I've got a pretty good reason, but still. I hate feeling this way.
And, I've worked 10+ hour days the last two days--something the higher-ups generally frown on. Payday may turn out to be a nice reward for all my stress and anxiety.
My shoes (the Montrail Hard Rock's) are here!
Monday, February 4, 2008
Montrail Hard Rock

Do you think these shoes will help me run farther? Do you think they'll help me finish a 50-mile race?
Friday, February 1, 2008
Tortilla Soup
- Chicken--a couple of breasts, cubed
- 2 14.5 oz cans of chicken broth
- 20 oz diced tomatoes, undrained
- 1 can of mild green chilies or 1/2 fresh green chili, chopped
- 1 tbsp lime juice
- 1/2 cup onion, chopped
- cilantro
- salt and pepper to taste
- 1 1/2 cups cooked white long-grain rice or 1 can black beans (or both)
- tortilla chips (thin strips if you can find 'em)
Cook chicken and set aside. Cook onions and fresh chili in 1 1/2 tbsp of olive oil until tender. Add tomatoes, green chilies (if you didn't use the fresh), and chicken broth. Add chicken, rice and/or black beans or neither. Salt and pepper to taste. Mix well. Bring to boil. Cover and simmer for 20 minutes. Stir in lime juice and add cilantro. Throw tortilla chips on top of each serving and enjoy. Makes a bunch.
Now, I started out tonight without the rice. After our first bowl Corbin decided we should try it with rice--and it was pretty good. Then, I got to thinking that adding black beans in lieu of the rice might be really good. Haven't tried it that way yet though.
I had a bowl of tortilla soup a couple of weeks ago from Café Rio that had a scoop of guacamole thrown in each serving. I liked that and may try it next time along with the black beans.