Saturday, January 10, 2009


One of the boys is tender and I've been eating way too much chocolate as of late. Somebody make me stop!

I need to go to bed. I'm tired and really need the sleep. And church is at 9 in the morning and I need to get Corbin home before that.

Me and Hay are going to see Body Worlds 3 tomorrow. I know it's Sunday but that's the only time we could get it to happen.

I had my teddy bear turned over to me today.

I've had him for I don't know how long, but he's been in a box for the past 5 years. Didn't even realize I had been missing him until he showed up on my pillow this afternoon. I should probably be a little grateful. Probably, but it's so darn hard!


Steve and Mykin Castle said...

TMI or should I say WTMI!!
To Much Information or Way To Much Information! this is not what your sister(s) or your daughters or your your mother need to be reading!

Maynard said...

I don't have the faintest inkling as to why you think that had TMI... Would you have preferred that I said the T word?