Monday, September 22, 2008

Top of Utah: the report

I've been mulling over and over in my head what I would report. I've even been debating on whether or not I actually would report. I'm reporting so I guess I made up my mind as to the whether. Now it's just the what...

My only real goal in running this was to come in under 4 hours. I finished in 3:59 so there ought to be some satisfaction felt and maybe even some to be expressed here.

Not so much.

My goal should have been a two-parter: 1) finish in less than 4 hours, and 2) run a fairly evenly paced marathon. Had the second part been a goal I would have failed dismally.

My splits - 8:16, 7:58, 7:48, 8:05, 8:10, 8:25, 8:21, 8:23, 8:22, 8:47, 8:25, 9:10, 8:22, 8:22, 8:25, 9:17, 9:15, 9:14, 11:41, 10:43, 9:21, 10:35, 11:26, 10:03, 9:48, 9:43, and 2:36 for the final 2/10's (or 3/10's as per my Garmin).

Looking at all of those miles below 8:30 up through mile 15, one might think, "Great! Way to go! You were doing good!" Problem was I didn't have it in me to keep all the miles from 16 on at or near the 9-minute mark. Miles 19 and 20 saw me losing hope and desire. Twenty-one was a bit of a boost (albeit a small one), but I lost it in the next three miles—I walked a lot, and to a large extent, had given up on my sub 4-hour goal.

But I didn't give up entirely, and I suppose in that there is some good.

Still, I'm somewhat disappointed in my performance through the last 10 miles. I believe I can attribute some of that to the speed with which I ran the first 9 miles. Had I held myself back and tried to average somewhere in the neighborhood of 8:30... Who knows? The other factor I can attribute it to is my pathetic training. If I'm going to continue to do this marathon thing, I really need to commit to the training necessary to get the results I want or quit my belly-aching!

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