Friday, September 12, 2008

Pretty cool friends...

The conversation went something like this as I walked into the office:

"I'm a thigh man myself," said one.

"Me? I'm a breast man," said another.

At that point, thinking I was very funny, I chimed in with, "I'm an a** man!"

Everybody laughed and someone said something to the effect that they couldn't remember ever seeing the a** the last time they got a bucket of chicken from KFC...


OK, OK. That's me being somewhat disingenuous. We did have that conversation, but not exactly in that context--I didn't walk into it like that. I walked into a discussion of chicken and rice recipe's for a Crock-Pot and/or the oven. I suggested a dutch oven. Still, the conversation did actually happen and it was extremely funny. Three guys and a gal sitting in an office laughing our heads off like we were jr. high school kids. We four do that a lot actually.


And yes, I really am.


Tonight I took Addi and Chan out to dinner. Since it was Addi's b-day yesterday, she got to choose. She chose Chili's. She likes Chili's. A lot. She is always suggesting Chili's. But I don't think it's really the food that she likes. I mean it is, but there has to be something else. Every time I take Addi to Chili's (which really isn't often--once or twice a year maybe) she orders the Mac and Cheese off the kids menu. Something just isn't adding up here. She wants to go to Chili's for their Kraft Macaroni & Cheese? Doesn't she realize I could make 4 or 5 boxes of the stuff at home for the same amount of money? It must be the atmosphere. Or the fries that come with the mac & cheese. Or maybe it was the chocolate milk she ordered this time. Oh well.

It was great to have Chan along too--thanks for coming! Every Friday night, right? We just swap who's treat it is? Dutch oven on the 28th too! Don't forget!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

every friday of course dad!!!!! i thought you were going to come over yesterday slacker. we went and got the crib but mike is not smart enough to set it up him self (bless his heart)hahahaah but maybe you can figure it out!!!! love you dad. and i can't wait for dutch oven!!!!!