Sunday, September 28, 2008

Dutch Oven Ribs and Cheesy Potatoes

I've already thought of a way to improve my already delicious Dutch Oven ribs.

But first, I made Dutch Oven ribs and Cheesy Potatoes for my kids and my parents tonight. And they were delicious!

And Chantal brought up the makings for a peach cobbler, except it was more of a peach/cream cheese cobbler. It was darn tasty! (email me that recipe, Chan)

As for the improvements I've already envisioned? I need to marinate the meat. I looked at a chipotle marinade at the store yesterday and thought about it. Next time, I'll actually do something about it. And I need to sear it at a higher temperature so that the flavors really get locked in much more better.

But the evening ended much too soon and my children either left or needed me to take them to their mother's. And we never got any of the pictures you were hoping to get, Hay! CRAP! Come back down and we'll try it again!

Well, I washed my sheets and blanket tonight and I just heard the buzzer on the dryer notifying me that my blanky is done. I can go to bed now. Night!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

One week to St. George!

I remember when October 4th seemed like such a long long ways away, and now here it is at my door step. A week from right this very instant I will have finished running the St. George Marathon and, hopefully, taken a decent nap and enjoyed a triple cheese burger at Wendy's.

This morning I had hoped to get in about 13 miles running down American Fork Canyon from the Dell to my place. Corbin had certain needs and requirements that necessitated my presence with him between the hours of 7:30 and 9:30 a.m. so I had to put off my own interests for his. I went running today just after noon. Decided to run up to Kohler's in Highland, get a cold drink, head up and around by Lone Peak High School, past the Mount Timpanogos Temple and then home. I knew a straight shot up to Kohler's and straight back was about 9 miles--I thought adding the extra would put me at 10. Turned out it put me at 11.

It's all good.

Well, not really.

The distance was good. The actual run was a bit of an unpleasant chore. I did not enjoy myself a lot--no, not a lot at all! My average pace was 9:28. Only 5 of the 11 miles were under 9 minutes! I just wasn't feeling it. I'm feeling a bit discouraged and my outlook on my St. George performance isn't exactly optimistic. We'll see.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Race Sponsors

I like race sponsors. They make it possible for runners like me to get a $120 race experience for only $60. Good sponsors increase the odds of getting a really good technical shirt and a way nice finisher's medal.

When I can, I will give a sponsor my business. They help me out, I help them out. It's kind of a symbiotic relationship the sponsors have with the runners. Everybody benefits.


Al's Sporting Goods is a Major Sponsor of the Top of Utah Marathon. Saturday afternoon as my daughter and I were tooling around Logan we went to Al's to get her a pair of compression shorts. She suggested The Sports Authority but I thought it would be nice to support one of the sponsors of the race I had run that morning.

Al's Sporting Goods.

They have a good looking store and the salesman was very nice and directed us to the Under Armour compression shorts rack. I have two pair of Under Armour compression shorts that I use and I've been 98% satisfied with. I'd be 100% satisfied if they were a couple of inches longer. So, we got a pair for Hay.

Well, Wednesday, she was going to wear the shorts to one of her PE classes up at Utah State. She put them on and one of the seams burst--the result of an apparent defect in the shorts. Surely, Al's would quickly and easily swap out the defective shorts for another pair. Surely.

Surely nothing.

The clerk at Al's said they wouldn't take them back--that it's the customer's responsibility to arrange a replacement with the manufacturer, adding who knows how much time and expense to a process that could be--yea, even should be--a very simple exchange at the place of purchase.

But noooooooo.

Or so I thought. I spoke with a manager Thursday morning and she apologized profusely for the employee who errantly gave my Hay some wrong information. Al's is going to exchange the shorts or refund the money. It's all good. See--sponsors really are a good thing!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Top of Utah: the report

I've been mulling over and over in my head what I would report. I've even been debating on whether or not I actually would report. I'm reporting so I guess I made up my mind as to the whether. Now it's just the what...

My only real goal in running this was to come in under 4 hours. I finished in 3:59 so there ought to be some satisfaction felt and maybe even some to be expressed here.

Not so much.

My goal should have been a two-parter: 1) finish in less than 4 hours, and 2) run a fairly evenly paced marathon. Had the second part been a goal I would have failed dismally.

My splits - 8:16, 7:58, 7:48, 8:05, 8:10, 8:25, 8:21, 8:23, 8:22, 8:47, 8:25, 9:10, 8:22, 8:22, 8:25, 9:17, 9:15, 9:14, 11:41, 10:43, 9:21, 10:35, 11:26, 10:03, 9:48, 9:43, and 2:36 for the final 2/10's (or 3/10's as per my Garmin).

Looking at all of those miles below 8:30 up through mile 15, one might think, "Great! Way to go! You were doing good!" Problem was I didn't have it in me to keep all the miles from 16 on at or near the 9-minute mark. Miles 19 and 20 saw me losing hope and desire. Twenty-one was a bit of a boost (albeit a small one), but I lost it in the next three miles—I walked a lot, and to a large extent, had given up on my sub 4-hour goal.

But I didn't give up entirely, and I suppose in that there is some good.

Still, I'm somewhat disappointed in my performance through the last 10 miles. I believe I can attribute some of that to the speed with which I ran the first 9 miles. Had I held myself back and tried to average somewhere in the neighborhood of 8:30... Who knows? The other factor I can attribute it to is my pathetic training. If I'm going to continue to do this marathon thing, I really need to commit to the training necessary to get the results I want or quit my belly-aching!

No more soda!

As of Monday, Sept. 29, I will make a resolute effort to eliminate soda from my diet. I've got to lose some of the girth that is my gut! Somebody, please keep me honest.

But between now and then, it's a get-all-you-can-grab situation.

Also, I reserve the option to indulge in a Pepsi or three following a marathon. Deal?

Friday, September 19, 2008

Top of Utah

I'm off to see my Hay! ...and run the Top of Utah Marathon. I'll be leaving the house shortly. I just need to make sure I got everything.

Running shoes: check!
Shorts: check!
Shirt: check!
Cold weather stuff: check!
Toiletries: check!
Extra clothes: check!
Sleeping bag: check!

I think I'm good. Well, uh, I mean I think I have everything.

Monday, September 15, 2008

My hungry

I din't get no dinner tonight.

Sunday, September 14, 2008


Sundays. I hate 'em. Dare I say that I abhor them? Grandma's house is empty pretty much every day of the week, but on Sunday it feels much more so. Vacuous even...

Friday, September 12, 2008

Pretty cool friends...

The conversation went something like this as I walked into the office:

"I'm a thigh man myself," said one.

"Me? I'm a breast man," said another.

At that point, thinking I was very funny, I chimed in with, "I'm an a** man!"

Everybody laughed and someone said something to the effect that they couldn't remember ever seeing the a** the last time they got a bucket of chicken from KFC...


OK, OK. That's me being somewhat disingenuous. We did have that conversation, but not exactly in that context--I didn't walk into it like that. I walked into a discussion of chicken and rice recipe's for a Crock-Pot and/or the oven. I suggested a dutch oven. Still, the conversation did actually happen and it was extremely funny. Three guys and a gal sitting in an office laughing our heads off like we were jr. high school kids. We four do that a lot actually.


And yes, I really am.


Tonight I took Addi and Chan out to dinner. Since it was Addi's b-day yesterday, she got to choose. She chose Chili's. She likes Chili's. A lot. She is always suggesting Chili's. But I don't think it's really the food that she likes. I mean it is, but there has to be something else. Every time I take Addi to Chili's (which really isn't often--once or twice a year maybe) she orders the Mac and Cheese off the kids menu. Something just isn't adding up here. She wants to go to Chili's for their Kraft Macaroni & Cheese? Doesn't she realize I could make 4 or 5 boxes of the stuff at home for the same amount of money? It must be the atmosphere. Or the fries that come with the mac & cheese. Or maybe it was the chocolate milk she ordered this time. Oh well.

It was great to have Chan along too--thanks for coming! Every Friday night, right? We just swap who's treat it is? Dutch oven on the 28th too! Don't forget!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Happy Birthday to my Addi!!

You're the big 10 today! Yay!
Sorry I wasn't there. You know how it is...
Love you sweetie!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Better late than never?

I don't know if it's too late in the year but I cut the dogs hair tonight. I finally got the clippers last week and then this week I got the blade that leaves 1/2 inch of fur. Not to bad for my first go even if I do say so myself!

I should have done it earlier but it was just one of those things that kept getting put off. Hopefully he won't freeze this winter...

Poor dog. Doesn't know what being a real Chocolate Lab feels like what with that darn recessive inbred gene that gave him long hair. It's such a pain in the butt! I'm thinking in the spring when I cut his hair, maybe I'll leave the front alone and just cut his back end--make him look like a brown lion! How cool would that be?

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Spanish Fork Half Marathon: the report

This is the first time I've run the Spanish Fork 1/2, but I like it. They put on a good half marathon down there at the southern end of the valley. It's not like the Provo River Half or the Hobble Creek Half--all, or mostly, downhill coming out of their respective canyons. This one is generally flat--about 200 feet of net elevation gain in the first 6.5 miles--on an out and back course. You can't let gravity pull you across the finish here; you have to work on this course. It's well supported and the raffle at the end is icing on the cake (there were some really nice prizes given out). Anyways, I'm happy to say I finished in under 2 hours--1:54:44 actually--and I ran the entire thing (the exception being the Honey Bucket stop at mile 5.5).

I need to make mention of Leigh's recent spur-of-the-moment decision and accomplishment. She went up to the Teton's last week to help and provide support for the Grand Teton Races, but ended up being lulled by the medal that was being awarded and, on a whim, decided to run the 100 mile race. And she finished! What a nut! Way to go Leigh!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Spanish Fork Half Marathon

This is me going to bed the night before the Spanish Fork Half Marathon. The race starts at 7:00 a.m. near Center St on 1st East. It's an out and back course and Pancakes, sausage, milk and juice will be available at the finish. Sounds good. And the clincher (for me) is the technical t-shirt given to the runners. I'm getting up at 5 so I'd better hit the hay.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Head hurts...

And the remedy would be to go to sleep. I need to get some Tylenol PM, or some Advil PM. Something that has PM at the tail end of it. Went and picked up a Del's Deal at 10:45 pm and then watched the final episode, season one, of Burn Notice. Gotta love! I really ought to go to bed.

I changed the oil in my car last night. It was way overdue. Next time I'm going to try and remember to do it after the engine has cooled a bit.

I'm running the Spanish Fork Half on Saturday.

OK, OK, I'm going. Night.