Saturday, August 30, 2008

Swiss Days 10k

Jerry and I ran the Swiss Days 10k this morning. Jerry finished 12 seconds ahead of me in spite of the fact that he ran the first 5 miles behind me. Youth. Crazy kids. And me an old fart...

Actually, I didn't do that poorly. The first three miles came off like this--

Mile 1 - 8:51
Mile 2 - 8:44
Mile 3 - 8:24

And then things really started looking good.

Mile 4 - 7:46
Mile 5 - 7:45
Mile 6 - 7:48
The final .09 - 6:09 (that's my pace, not the actual time it took to finish the .09)

Jerry finished in 49:48 and I came in at 50:00.01

Katie's grandparents own a cabin up in Midway and graciously allowed me to spend the night. After the race, I thanked everybody and headed home. Got home, had a headache and tried to get rid of it. Didn't get much of a nap or rid of the headache. Oh well.

Going camping tomorrow
night with family up at the Dell. Fun! No new tent though. And that's probably a good thing. Someday though. When I'm rich (efforts in futility).

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