Sunday, August 10, 2008


After yesterday's debacle, I'm rather anxious about running the marathons noted above. Yesterday's debacle you ask? Well, I went back out to run the 12 miles later in the day like I wanted to. I really did--you can ask Jerry. But a mile and a half into the first 6-mile loop my wheels came off. I don't know what it was--probably poor choices in food after the first 6 miles--but I crashed and I crashed hard! Not pretty. And the fact that Jerry had come all the way over to go "running" with me made me feel even worse! He was very gracious about it all though, being the kind and thoughtful brother that he is. Still, I'm concerned. And that's somewhat funny too seeing as how I've run races significantly less prepared than I am now--this time it just "feels" like there's more riding on it. I don't know.

I woke up this morning feeling a bit under the weather. Maybe therein lies some justification for tanking and bailing on the last 12 miles of my run yesterday.

Leigh ran the Mt. Disappointment 50-miler yesterday, finishing in 14 hours and 9 minutes. Way to go Leigh!!

On a sad note, I seem to have lost a few of my marathon bibs from a few races. I thought for sure I had saved them all. Dang! I'd be willing to bet, however, that if I ever decided to clean up this mess of a bedroom, I might find them somewhere...

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