Saturday, August 9, 2008

My a pansy...

There's an article in the September Runner's World about dealing with pain. I'm not currently in any real pain after finishing 6 miles of running in the noon heat and sun, but I don't feel like finishing what I started. It was only around 85°, but it was enough to bring the pansy out in me. I need to run 12 more--at least--in a last ditch effort to get ready for Park City in two weeks. I'm thinking I'll wait until later this evening and do the last 12. Problem with that line of thought is that the pansy has already been let out of the bag--I will probably find some reason not to go later.

I've developed something of a gut. I mean really! I could make faces with my stomach and make my belly-button talk! "Help me! Somebody get me out of here!"

I'm tired. A Pepsi sounds really good.

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