Monday, January 14, 2008

Parenting Education/Licensure

Interesting discussion tonight in class. What do you think of requiring ALL prospective parents to be licensed and/or educated in parenting?

I wonder how it flies in the public mind. Obviously it hasn't (or won't) anywhere like a state capitol or even the nation's capital. I can think of a hundred good reasons why it would be a good thing, and an equal number of reasons why it wouldn't.

Fact is, I'm pretty sure anyways, that most parents get involved in the whole parenting thing largely unprepared. It's one of those learn-as-you-go things. And that's good, but the price for failure in many cases is enormous! Not only financially; but socially, emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually.

Would having a more educated, better prepared group of people getting involved in parenthood alleviate (so some degree) many of the social ills we deal with?

But how do we bring this kind of thing about? Who pays for it? How is it enforced? It's not like you need a key or a certificate of licensure that allows you to go out there and procreate. That's not an ability you earn. For the most part, it's an inherent part of being a living, breathing person on this planet. How do you tell someone they can't?

I don't know. At first blush, I'm basically opposed to it. All we need is more intervention into our personal lives. But when you consider the power and influence a better prepared population of parents could have on society as a whole...

Interesting discussion.

1 comment:

Runnin Rat said...

I have taken every parenting class known to man....all for free (accept college). Our society doesn't want to do the work it takes to learn how to be good parents. They don't want to admit when they have done wrong and need to fix it, someone else messed up and now needs to fix THEIR problem. Don't get me started, I work in a school where parents are drunk 90% of the time and I am the only one who shows up to watch their kid play. Then when their kid fails a test it is my fault......