Monday, December 3, 2007

Nearly burned the house down tonight...

My Hay came over to look up some stuff on the internet tonight for her Senior Project. I figured it was a great opportunity for me to fix her dinner. I made chili. Addi ended up tagging along but she doesn't like chili. I heated up some chicken noodle soup for her. Anyways, long story short, I was re-warming up the last of the chicken noodle soup (cause I hate to throw stuff out) when I got sidetracked and left the soup warming up on the burner. 20 minutes later I walked into a kitchen filled with smoke and black scorched to the bottom of my small pot. Tonight, and quite possibly for some time to come, I'll be smelling that burnt smell.

I'm off to bed now though. I'm going to try to get up fairly early in the morning (6:30) and into work before 8:00. Somebody hold me to that, will ya?


Anonymous said...

I have four words for you!

Mike Row Wave!!


Katie said...

Hi Brad, I like your new blog, especially the music! Were you able to link this blog page to your yahoo or did you just double post?

Maynard said...

Mike Row Wave's don't like metal pots.

Mostly, I just copied and pasted (double posted). Yeah, the music is probably the biggest reason I decided to focus on the one rather than the two.