Monday, March 26, 2007

Plodding on...

Lest I receive further reprimands and/or castigation, I’d better blog.

Hell, I don’t know. I’ve just become somewhat disheartened as of late. Not sure why. Must be that time of the year...

As for running: Last week I jumped ship. I ran 6.1 miles on Monday and then nothing until Saturday. Saturday morning was to have been an 18 mile run but it ended up being only 10. Here’s why: 75% laziness and 25% soreness.

The run I had planned would have taken me down American Fork Canyon, through the Cedar Hills golf course, over by the Mt. Timpanogos Temple, by my place and then up to Jerry’s. What I ended up running was down AF Canyon and then straight to Jerry’s by way of the Canyon Road. 10.4 miles. I was going to put in 8 miles on the treadmill when I got back to my place to make up for the shortage. Well, it didn’t happen thanks to my inherent laziness. Once that wore off, however, the 8 minute miles we were running down the canyon had really started to take their toll. I hurt. I even tried tricking myself into running up Provo Canyon with Corbin along side on his bike, but that didn’t fly.

Today I ran 7.1 miles on stiff legs. A little rough starting out but things got better as I went. My planned 6.1 became 7.1, and that’s that.

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