Thursday, April 12, 2007

I've been a bit negligent in blogging as of late. Much of that stems from the chewing out I got after my last post. Sheesh! Oh well.

Nine days until the Salt Lake City Marathon. I'm as ready as I'm going to get. Since my last reported run (7.1 miles on March 26th), I've run 7 times.
  • March 28-10.14 miles at a 8:41 pace
  • March 30-5.04 miles at a 8:36 pace
  • April 02-9.04 miles at a 8:32 pace
  • April 04-9.1 miles at a 8:56 pace
  • April 07-12.49 miles at a 8:42 pace
  • April 09-6.11 miles at a 8:40 pace
  • April 11-6.11 miles at a 8:19 pace

All were good runs, especially yesterdays. My last mile was done in 7:42--and I had more to give.

Not included was a 21.5 mile bike ride on April 06. I'll probably ride the bike again tomorrow, weather permitting.

Anyways, 9 days to the marathon. I missed/cut short my really long runs and I hope that doesn't come back to bite me in the arse. I'd like to come in close to 4 hours, but anything under 4 1/2 will be acceptable., on it's 10-day forecast, is predicting showers, a low of 44° and a high of 60° on race day. The temperatures sound fine, but I'll pass on the rain, thank you very much. (As if I even had the choice...)

Exactly 4 weeks after Salt Lake is the Ogden Marathon. This is the one I'm really hoping to come through on. My fastest time at Ogden is 4:05 despite my contention that I'm going to PR there. My marathon PR is 3:35 so I've got 30 minutes plus to cut. With the training I've done (and the long training run SLCM is providing) I really hope that 2007 is my year to break 4 hours up there. Who knows, maybe I'll even get my PR! I wonder if I should get a hotel room up there this year?

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