Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Pointless observation:

The musical contrast between Lyle Lovett and Judas Priest is huge.

I ran 6.1 miles today at lunch after running 4 of the most miserable miles of my life yesterday.

Yesterday: 1.5 miles into the run I had to stop and walk. I knew within the first 100 yards that it was going to be a hard run, but not like that. At mile 2, I stopped and decided right there and then that my planned 6-miler was going to get cut short. So I'm doubled over while I wait for one of my running buddies to run out to the fire hydrant we normally go to when running 4 miles, and then together we plod back to the start. I made it all the way back without a stop, however, feeling quite uncomfortable generally.

The culprit: a triple cheese burger I had eaten for dinner the night before. And me with a cholesterol level of 255...

Today: I started out and immediately started feeling nervous. Once I got warmed up though, things improved greatly. So much so that I ended up putting in my second fasted time for the year on the trail for that distance. My average pace was just over 8:30.

Today's run was a good one.

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