Sunday, January 25, 2009

More snow.

Woke up this morning to a couple inches of fresh snow on the ground. It was wet and heavy snow though. It was so wet and heavy it could almost be considered slush.

I didn't sleep well last night as I was worrying about the talk I had to give this morning. And it wasn't so much the talk that I was anxious about. It was the introduction that kept me up. What should I say? How much lightheartedness and self-deprecating humor is too much? Turns out all the worry was for naught. My turn rolled around and I only had a few minutes to get through my talk--no time for any lightheartedness or self-deprecating humor.

The new mom and baby are home as of today and doing well.

Hay drove up to Logan at about 11. I had some concerns about the weather but she made it safely.

Talk of a "family" trip to Disneyland was discussed briefly tonight. Nothing really was decided but we got a fairly good idea about who was going and what our options are. I know my two youngest really-really want to go, and I'd love to take them. We'll have to see.

Corbin is in the other room listening to some band. Don't know who it is, but it's just wrong. It Just ain't right.

Saturday, January 24, 2009


This is my granddaughter. She was born at 6:16 a.m. on Friday, January 23, 2009. 7 pounds 7 ounces and 19.5 inches long. 10 finners and 10 piggies. She's a keeper.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Moving furniture

The "TV room" is always frigid in winter as it costs too much to heat, and Corbin has been bugging me to move the TV into the front room where the heater is. Today we did just that. We moved the TV and the futon into the living room and moved the treadmill into the TV room. I've got a love seat I need to do something with now. DI?

I have access to the fireplace now though. Maybe I should see if I can get it to hold a fire! That would be nice.

...except I just gave away all my firewood a couple of months ago.

Saturday, January 10, 2009


One of the boys is tender and I've been eating way too much chocolate as of late. Somebody make me stop!

I need to go to bed. I'm tired and really need the sleep. And church is at 9 in the morning and I need to get Corbin home before that.

Me and Hay are going to see Body Worlds 3 tomorrow. I know it's Sunday but that's the only time we could get it to happen.

I had my teddy bear turned over to me today.

I've had him for I don't know how long, but he's been in a box for the past 5 years. Didn't even realize I had been missing him until he showed up on my pillow this afternoon. I should probably be a little grateful. Probably, but it's so darn hard!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Friday night and severe discomfort...

One word: epididymitis.

Addi came over tonight. Just long enough to call her cousins and arrange for a sleepover at their place. And I'm cool with that. Takes a little bit of pressure off.

Corbin came over too, but he's skating with a friend up the road a bit. Skateboarding. In the friend's basement. Oooh! And I'm cool with that too.

Presently, chicken nuggets are in the oven and cranberry juice has being given a task. And an ice pack.

I need to find some virus protection software for my Hay.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Snowshoeing and a bull moose

If you go back to my January 01, 2008 blog, you'll read about the New Years and Numb Arses run my brothers and I did New Years morning. Well, we did it again. Actually, it was me, Brett, and Russell this year. Jerry is in Georgia.

Later that day, after minimal sleep, Mike and Donald showed up at my place to go snowshoeing. And so we did. And it was awesome! We hiked up the Bear Canyon trail to the Timpooneke Road on trail 179. We then hiked down the Timpooneke Road to trail 178 which hooks back into 179 which we followed back down to the Dell. Just before we hit the last set of switchbacks, a big bull moose came into view and we just sat and stared at it and it looked back, snorted, and continued to look. Finally, we gave up on the staring contest and cautiously finished our trek. What a way to end it though. I wish so bad I had taken my camera! Next time, for sure, I will.