Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Hump Day

Jason Castro is gone. And thank Gary for that! Holy Crap! The kid just gave me the willies! I’ve heard him referred to as the Gelfling on the show, and I’m inclined to agree. I’m sure he’s a really nice kid though. (That's American Idol chat just in case I lost you somewhere along the way.)

My wicked-awesome 2001 GT Aggressor 1.0 is back in the shop. I dropped it off just after work tonight. I’m having the new fork and headset put on. I’m feeling rather apprehensive about the whole thing though. Don’t know why. Actually I do, but I don’t know why I’m feeling it to the degree I am. Here’s the deal: I bought the fork online and thought about doing the work myself for about 34 seconds. Decided it would be best to have someone with the proper tools and know-how do it for me. So I took the bike, the fork, and the headset down to the shop and left it. And now I’m all up and worried that I’m going to get my bike back with a used and/or deficient fork on it. For some reason I envision my brand new and (hopefully) kicking new fork ending up on one of the wrench’s bikes.

Which is silly really.

They wouldn’t do that would they?



I hope not.

But still.

Before I took it in I made sure and got the serial number off the fork so I can verify that it is in fact the same one that comes back on my bike. But I won’t get it back ‘til next Wednesday. I guess everybody and their uncle’s monkey has their bikes at the shop getting them ready for the summer biking season. Oh well.

I’m actually quite excited about mountain biking this summer. Road biking not so much. I think it’s the new fork.

Went for a nice 9-mile run today. Felt good. Another run tomorrow. Should I go for an hour or an hour and a half?

My brother James is now in Afghanistan. Bagram Air Base to be exact. He describes his status there as “transient” as they won’t/shouldn’t be there for long. He explains it like this: “We are transient here, meaning instead of being in huts with 8 personnel we are in a huge circus tent with about 100 cots. No, there aren't 100 men in the tent, but darn near. Luckily every 5th cot or so is empty to allow for additional storage as there is but 16 inches between cots.” Sometimes I consider myself wise for not joining the National Guard… Other times I really wish I had.

I’ve got a scratchy throat. Two nights in a row now. I wonder if it’s allergy related or if I’m coming down with something? And my nose just started to bleed. I wonder if it’s allergy related or if I’ve been picking my nose too much?

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