Saturday, May 31, 2008

Squaw Peak 50 next Saturday

This pic really has nothing to do with the Squaw Peak 50 other than it's the route I ran 3 times last week in my final preparations for Squaw Peak. It's a nice 8 mile trail run. It starts and ends at the lowest point in the pic where the red lines are. It goes up Battle Creek (angles up and to the right in the pic) and then goes over Little Mountain, down Grove Creek, and then along the base of Little Mountain to the start. The first 3 miles is a hike and the rest is a blur of a downhill run. Yesterday (Friday), Jerry, Brett, and I ran it in 1:53 cutting almost 12 minutes off my best time.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Graduation Day

Today my Hay graduated with the Pleasant Grove High School Class of 2008. She was wearing gold cords and everything! She totally rocks!

She says she left the building (it was held at the Marriott Center at BYU) and was immediately told to turn in her gown. How stupid is that? I think she could have told them to hold their horses a bit--she needed to get some family pics with it--but she didn't. Her head was probably going a million miles an hour in a million different directions and pictures in her gown probably didn't even cross her mind. Oh well.

No, I didn't dress the boy...

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Whaddaya think?

I'm not too keen on the white, but it'll do.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

My mind says "blog"

But from there to the fingers on the keyboard, it's a complete disconnect. There they are--all my fingers on the correct "home" keys--and nothing but what I forcefully send down is showing up on the screen. If the mind says "blog," you'd think it would have something specific in mind to "blog" about. No such luck. Still, I have managed to go on for 4 or 5 sentences about nothing much. And that's something.

My Hay came over a bit ago. She was supposed to be coming over to use my computer for her article assignment. She ended up doing the assignment at her grandmother's and didn't need me, but she brought the boy over and ended up staying for quite a while. Seriously, I am just so proud of her and what she's done with her life thus far. If only I could claim to be even partly responsible for a fraction of any of it... I started out changing the windshield wiper blades on her car, but ended up having to go to the store to get new ones--I busted the refills I was trying to force on.

I watched Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace last night and this morning. I need to watch different movies. I need to get the original version of episodes IV through VI--the ones that have Han Solo shooting first!

Tomorrow is Monday. Back to work I guess. Yippee. What fun. Yay. Woo-hoo. Let's all have a party.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Long run in the morning...

The team I'm running the Wasatch Back Ragnar Relay with in June has a 13-mile run planned for 0700 in the morning. After that, I'd like to go for a run up Battle Creek canyon and down Grove Creek. We'll see. Gotta get up at six so I'll be ready at 6:30. Maybe I ought to go to bed.

This is Corbin pitching yesterday in what ended up a losing effort. My boy did good though.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Hump Day

Jason Castro is gone. And thank Gary for that! Holy Crap! The kid just gave me the willies! I’ve heard him referred to as the Gelfling on the show, and I’m inclined to agree. I’m sure he’s a really nice kid though. (That's American Idol chat just in case I lost you somewhere along the way.)

My wicked-awesome 2001 GT Aggressor 1.0 is back in the shop. I dropped it off just after work tonight. I’m having the new fork and headset put on. I’m feeling rather apprehensive about the whole thing though. Don’t know why. Actually I do, but I don’t know why I’m feeling it to the degree I am. Here’s the deal: I bought the fork online and thought about doing the work myself for about 34 seconds. Decided it would be best to have someone with the proper tools and know-how do it for me. So I took the bike, the fork, and the headset down to the shop and left it. And now I’m all up and worried that I’m going to get my bike back with a used and/or deficient fork on it. For some reason I envision my brand new and (hopefully) kicking new fork ending up on one of the wrench’s bikes.

Which is silly really.

They wouldn’t do that would they?



I hope not.

But still.

Before I took it in I made sure and got the serial number off the fork so I can verify that it is in fact the same one that comes back on my bike. But I won’t get it back ‘til next Wednesday. I guess everybody and their uncle’s monkey has their bikes at the shop getting them ready for the summer biking season. Oh well.

I’m actually quite excited about mountain biking this summer. Road biking not so much. I think it’s the new fork.

Went for a nice 9-mile run today. Felt good. Another run tomorrow. Should I go for an hour or an hour and a half?

My brother James is now in Afghanistan. Bagram Air Base to be exact. He describes his status there as “transient” as they won’t/shouldn’t be there for long. He explains it like this: “We are transient here, meaning instead of being in huts with 8 personnel we are in a huge circus tent with about 100 cots. No, there aren't 100 men in the tent, but darn near. Luckily every 5th cot or so is empty to allow for additional storage as there is but 16 inches between cots.” Sometimes I consider myself wise for not joining the National Guard… Other times I really wish I had.

I’ve got a scratchy throat. Two nights in a row now. I wonder if it’s allergy related or if I’m coming down with something? And my nose just started to bleed. I wonder if it’s allergy related or if I’ve been picking my nose too much?

Monday, May 5, 2008

Play Ball!!!

Corbin, broken arm and all, is playing baseball. Tonight was his third game of the season and he's actually doing very well. In each of the games he's hit an in the park home run! That's my boy!!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Never really thought I was lucky

Last night the Service Engine Soon light came back on again. And all the while I was hoping it would have been solved with something as simple as the spark plugs...

However, I took the car by Auto Zone and had them run their free "check engine" diagnostic test on it. Came up with error P0133 which is a "slow response" from the oxygen sensor in bank 1. What that means is that the sensor isn't reading correctly and therefore is sending bad signals to the car's computer. Fortunately for me the sensor is located right up front and is easily accessible and changed. $21 later I've got a new sensor and, hopefully, no more Service Engine Soon issues--a few days will tell.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Pointless post

Just to bring the world up to speed on the goings on in my life--if you can call it that.

Anyways, I applied for some jobs down at the hospital--jobs that are essentially what I do but on a larger and more detailed scale--back in early April. Didn't even get an interview. Ouch.

I ordered a Rock Shox Tora 318 U-turn fork today with some of my tax "rebate" money. I've been riding my bike for coming up on 6 or 7 years with a fork that had a manufacturers safety recall on it. Aren't they supposed to make some sort of real effort to let you know about that kind of thing? Maybe I'm supposed to make some real effort to find out about that kind of thing...

The Service Engine Soon light came on in my car again. Last time it did that it cost me close to $400 to have a gasket or a seal of some sort replaced. Not really wanting that to happen right now I did a bit of digging through the vastness that is the Internet and read about something as simple as changing the spark plugs being being a solution to that light coming on more times than not. Since I believe everything I read on the Internet I immediately went out and bought some spark plugs and swapped out the old ones. It's been a while so the car was probably due anyways. Interesting thing I found was that one of the old plugs didn't match the other three. I'm pretty sure I put 4 of the same kind in when I did the job the last time. Made me wonder though if maybe I paid $400 for what I was told was a gasket/seal replacement when all I really got was one new spark plug. I doubt it, but I wonder where that one plug came from...

The Executive Ward Secretary (Bro. Shelton I think) and the High Priest Group Leader (Bro. Hayes) came by on Wednesday night and spent a good hour visiting with me. Seriously, that's the absolute longest anybody in this ward has sat and talked to me EVER in the 4 plus years I've been here. They are both aware of my circumstances and the issues I'm dealing with and they were both very supportive and encouraging. I told them that still, 4 years later, I have a hard time walking into church alone after having had my family with me for 13 years. They were both very empathetic but acknowledged--and were very grateful for--the fact that they really couldn't actually appreciate what it really felt like. I hope they never have to find out.

Spring semester is over. Abnormal Psychology: B+. Applied Parenting: A.

The Ogden Marathon is coming up in two weeks. I'm kind of excited to see if I can run it in under 4 hours! I'm pretty sure I can but I've thought that before and come up short. Or long. And then 3 weeks after that is the Squaw Peak 50. I'm mucho unprepared for that hummer. Little actual trail running and no back to back long runs like I would have like to have done. There's still a bit of time though.

Corbin has played two ball games so far this season in spite of the fact he's re-broken his arm. In both of those games he hit an in-the-park homerun! His team won the first game but lost the second. Both were close games that were decided in the final inning.

And the Utah Jazz just knocked off the Houston Rockets winning the series 4 games to 2. Go Jazz!