Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Allergy season is upon us. I mean me.

Why else would I be up at 2 a.m.? And you know what really ticks me off? The fact that my allergy medication that I've taken for years was
  1. Taken off the shelves--it had to be picked up from behind the pharmacy counter
  2. The formula was changed so it could go back on the shelves, and
  3. The price more than doubled from the one source who kept the original formula

I understood the need to take it off the shelves and limit the quantity a person could buy what with the meth problem being such a huge issue. It was rather inconvenient, but at least I could get the stuff. But then when everybody changed the formula so that they could put their product back out on the shelves... What good did that do me? Absolutely none. The new formula doesn't do diddly for my symptoms! And the new formula costs more. Still, Walgreens sells the original formula from behind the pharmacists counter. I have to submit to a frisking, get questioned by a former FBI agent, and pay a lot more each time I need some; but at least I have access.

Tonight is just awful. I woke up from a near dead-sleep cause I couldn't breath I was so congested. I love spring, but the crap in the air bites!

1 comment:

Missy said...

Hey Brad, since you're up, do you want to take care of our little Sam who seems to have the same problem?? Kidding