Saturday, March 1, 2008

Petty, Vain, Insatiable, or what?

When I run a race, I like to have photographic evidence of the fact. I don't know why but I do. I've got pictures for just about every marathon I've ever run. I enjoy going back through them and seeing how I've changed over the years. So, when photo's are taken and advertised, I will generally purchase one. What really irks me is when said advertising means nothing

Case in point: The Salt Lake City Marathon in 2005. Pictures were taken and provided by a certain sports photography company. Very few pictures were presented but there was a note indicating that there were more that would become available at a later time. Those pictures (which most likely included mine) never became available. 2007 rolls around and that same sports photography company is doing the pics for a different race. Post race there's a note on the web site indicating some software difficulties but that the photo's will be posted soon. Well, the sports photo company is seemingly no longer in business. Good riddance. If you can't deliver, get out!

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