Monday, September 13, 2010

Elevator Etiquette

Yes, there is such a thing and it should be adhered to.

A web search will bring up a plethora of hits, but this one right here is the most important.

There are some gray areas, but there are most definitely some that are black and white.
  • Don't pass gas, fluff, break wind, cut the cheese, or in any way fart in an elevator car. C'mon! Where's that polluted air going to go? And it's especially not cool to cut it and then bail. If you're going to stink it up in the elevator, at least have the brass to stick it out with the unsuspecting innocents that are blindly walking into your foul stench. Same goes for burping. And if you happen to reek of body odor--consider the stairs.
  • Don't try talking to strangers on the elevator. The elevator is a place of solitude where one goes to be alone with him or herself for a few moments. Don't make it uncomfortable for them. They'll just get off the elevator thinking you're a complete idiot and mumbling something about how they hope the cables snap before you get off.
  • When boarding the elevator, don't get right in the door and throw yourself through the opening as soon as you can fit. Give the people on the elevator a chance to get off. Let me repeat that: Don't get on the elevator until those who are on have a chance to get off.
  • Unless you've got an injury or a medical condition that dictates otherwise, take the stairs if you're just going up one or two floors. For crying out loud, no wonder obesity is such an issue!
  • Allow people their personal space.

1 comment:

Missy said...

K, this is a little off the topic but people shouldn't pass gas when they are loading their movie rentals back into the cases before returning to the store. The smell STAYS IN THE CASE!!!!! I nearly passed out every morning checking those stinky suckers.