Monday, September 27, 2010

Could it?

“Could switching to GEICO really save you money on car insurance?”

I don’t really know for sure—I haven’t called—but I’m tempted.

Really tempted.


Because a former drill sergeant makes a terrible therapist.

Because the little piggy cried wee-wee-wee all the way home.

Because Abe Lincoln was honest.

Because having a snowball fight with pitching great, Randy Johnson, is a bad idea.

And because a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush!


Yeah, it’s kinda been a long night. So many things going through my head right now—and not a darned one of ‘em makes a lick of difference.


The St. George Marathon is coming up this Saturday. In the words of Enrico Pollini, “It’s a race!” and, “I’m getting goose pimples!” (Rat Race, 2001, Paramount Pictures)


Matilda said...

I have GEICO....LOVE it!

Katie said...

"I'm winning!" gotta love MR. Bean.