Monday, July 27, 2009

Crazy Train?

It's just past midnight--I really ought to be in bed sleeping, but I'm not. I'm sitting in front of my computer contemplating the vicissitudes of life. They are vast. They are varied. They are to be expected. And sure as shooting, they'll almost never be just like you want 'em.

But that's not exactly true though. Generally we tend to recognize the changes in the condition of our lives when it's for the worse. If it's a good change, I think we gobble it up without really taking notice of the incredible spread laid out before us.

At least that's how it is with me.

It's a good thing we celebrate Thanksgiving once a year so we can really appreciate the good in life. The 364 remaining days tend to get cluttered up with focusing on, and bemoaning, the not-so-good.

On Saturday I turned another year older. I'd like to lay claim to being another year wiser as well, but I think I stopped wisening up at the age of 14. It was at that point (or earlier, possibly) that my brain stopped learning and applying life's lessons. And that's not to say that I don't recognize them when they're there--I see them, acknowledge them, label them, and cast them away. Dust in the wind...

But I digress.

I've come to realize the opportunities created by the crap I've stepped into (or that's been shoveled into my path).

While today has been somewhat of a struggle in trying to understand why certain trials and obstacles have come into my life, either directly or by way of my progeny or a friend or whatever (it's usually brought on directly through my ignorance and/or idiocy, but once in a while I'm actually affected and influenced by the difficulties of others); I am aware that by and through many of these difficulties, I am a slightly better person.


Anyways, all or my kids were over Saturday night for a birthday celebration. It's not so often that I get all 4 (+1) over at the same time. There was actually a time, not so long ago (in a galaxy far, far away), that I would have bet it would never happen again. It's good to be wrong once in a while. (I've pretty much gotten used to being wrong the rest of the time and have consoled myself to that which is and which always will be...) But there we all were. I got my camera out and everything. And guess what? I never snapped a single picture! At least I don't think I did.

Wait! I lied. I took two. Here's one of them.

This is a pic I took today of one of the birthday gifts I received.

Probably the surest sign there is that assures me that I'm old: a picture frame that identifies me as a grandpa...

At least I'm loved, eh?

And now I've completely lost my train of thought.

Have I mentioned that I have a cat?

I call him Fuzz!; and yes, the exclamation mark is part of the name.

1 comment:

JimV said...

i swear i was there for your birthday. oh, i was. earlier in the day. i still need to buy you a bike.