Monday, June 8, 2009

The 2009 Squaw Peak 50-Mile Trail Run report (take 1)

Aid station 7 drop bag for runner #153 has yet to make an appearance. Anyone?

It would be a shame for me to let two pair of purloined socks sour an already painful experience. I should just let them go despite the fact that they had many more miles left in 'em... But it's hard for me to let things go.

Which brings me to the report.

2008 Squaw Peak: 15:39:07

2009 Squaw Peak: 16:20:17

That's an addition of 40+ minutes from last year--under significantly better conditions this year! What the...?

Leigh, George, and I stayed fairly close to each other during the first 26 miles without actually running hand in hand. We each shared the lead at various points until I passed Leigh on the far side of the mile 26 aid station (Left Fork). That was the last I saw of Leigh until the finish. George caught me at the mile 33 aid station (Little Valley)--he was coming in as I was heading out.

Again, it's a pretty hike from mile 33 until you get to the climb and then the scenery can go jump in the lake. All you can see is the climb. This year there was significantly less snow than last year and I seemed to have missed it altogether as I found myself atop the first climb having not even stepped in any. The climbing isn't over yet though. Less snow up top meant not having to go over the peak too. Yay!

After the Windy Pass aid station, where I vaguely remember turning on the afterburners last year, I struggled. My ankles were hurting and that knot in my calf below my right knee was back for its second year. Once I was on the pavement in South Fork I could go and the last three miles seemed to fly by.

No kids to greet me this year at the finish, but I had been posting updates on facebook with my cell phone every time I'd get cell service (3 or 4 times maybe?). It was fun to get all the comments coming back through on my cell phone in response to my updates.

Which brings me to the part where it's hard for me to let things go.

I've finished the Squaw Peak 50 twice now. I did better with the big climb this year than I did last year--despite the overall slower time. I ought to be happy with that and let it go.

Something in the back of my head says that I probably won't...

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