Tuesday, November 25, 2008

A good day...

Yes, it was a good day. A day in which much that needed doing got done.

Relatively speaking.

I took work off today cause I need to go in Friday. Friday would normally be a day off because of Thanksgiving on Thursday. I need to go in on Friday due to the requirements of particular job. Wednesday to Monday is just too long.

So I took the day off and stayed home and took care of a few things.

Big item #1: The yard.

I let the yard go to pot this past year. Not completely, but with the possibility of construction on back-end of the house I wasn't going to get too involved in the upkeep. Who knew if and when a crew of construction workers would just come in and rip it all up? Well, they didn't. Dad came down with his truck and a flat bed trailer and we loaded a grundle of wood that has been laying around the place for a while and he hauled it off to my brother's house to use for firewood. Very charitable of me, don't you think? I suppose I could have used it here in the old fireplace in the living room, but I don't know how safe that would be--the darn thing hasn't been used in at least 5 years--there's probably a house fire waiting to happen in that chimney somewhere...

Item #2: Hay's car.

Hay's down for Thanksgiving--pulled into town at about 5:00. We went to El Pollo Loco and then I did some maintenance stuff to her car. Her check engine light has been going on and off for a while but it's too old a car to plug the check-engine-monitor-thing into it and get an explanation of whatever problems there might be. So, I did what I could based on what I knew--which really isn't much. I can't hurt though. Anyways, I pulled her EGR valve and gave it a good cleaning. The EGR valve on her car wasn't stuck (at least not as badly as mine was) but I cleaned it anyways. I then gave the car the old Seafoam treatment. Holy Crap! That sure smoked up the neighborhood. When that was all done and I was putting things back together, I noticed that I forgot to plug back in the connection to the EGR valve... Doesn't do a bit of good to clean it up nice and then fail to plug it in.

I've got milk, eggs, and socks sitting out in my car I'd better bring in. There's nothing worse than spoiled milk, eggs, and socks.

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