Monday, July 28, 2008

Muddy or bloody

Make sure you know where your leg is in relation to the crank on your bike while navigating tricky downhill switchbacks...

Ouch! You should have seen the blood gushing out of that thing!

Happy Birthday Hay!

Sunday, July 27, 2008


While I generally have had the attitude that it's family that'll stab you in the back, I don't really believe it. Not entirely.

My aunt Joanne died last week and her funeral was on Tuesday, and Friday through this morning was the Jensen Family reunion. Both events have caused me to pause and feel some real gratitude for my family.

Friday, July 18, 2008

I am an Amazing Person, take II

Remember my claim to AMAZINGNESS? Well, not to toot my own horn or anything, but I kinda am. Just ask Jonah. Right Katie? Anyways, I installed the disc brake on the front of my bike back on Wednesday which was documented here on this blog. As I mentioned then, the V-brake arrived at my doorstep on Thursday and I put it on last night. So, here's the photographic evidence:

The most amazing thing to me is the relative ease by which I managed to install both the new front and rear brakes. The rear brakes feel a bit loose and squishy, but I'll get them firmed up tomorrow I think. I hope.

Thursday, July 17, 2008


On the down side, I can't sleep. On the up side, I cleaned half my room!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

I am an amazing person!

Problem is, I'm one of two people in the world who think that--and I only think that on the third Wednesday of July when the year is an even number. The other person probably thinks it even less regularly than me...

Oh well.


My mountain bike has a disc brake on the front wheel now!

I put it there!

By myself!

And it works!

Tomorrow I'll get the V-brake for the rear and install it. Such fun!

Monday, July 14, 2008

The latest on the mountain bike...

I’ve been struggling off and on for the last couple of years with my mountain bike—wishing I had a full suspension but not being able to afford it and so on… Anyways, as you may recall, I got a new front fork and crank for my old GT over the winter to at least upgrade what I have. I took it up on the Timpooneke road last week and I really like the new fork even though it makes the bike stand a little taller—I have to watch myself when I come off of the pedals so I don’t hurt anything. Still, I’ve found myself wanting again for “more” bike. Or at least “better.”

My bike is old enough that the rear triangle doesn’t have the mount for disc brakes, but the new fork does; so, I’ve gone and ordered a mechanical disc brake set-up for the front and a new V-brake set-up for the back—both of which are significant upgrades from what I’ve had for the past 7 years. The disc brake is the
’08 Avid BB7 (it’s mechanical, not hydraulic, but it’s supposed to be really-really good-if I've been duped, let me know) and the V-brake is the ’08 Avid Single Digit 7. I also got some new brake levers: the ’08 Avid Speed Dial 7. I don’t really know why I did it. I was just going to look and wish and dream a bit, but I managed to get a good deal on everything and, like my Dad, I have a hard time saying no when it comes to bikes or bike stuff (he just bought himself a Specialized Roubaix).

Also, as a bit of an aside (as it has nothing whatsoever to do with the latest on the mountain bike), I went running today at lunch. Didn't expect much out of myself as the heat the last few weeks has been something of a factor causing me to walk more than I'd like. Ended up running the full 6.15 miles non-stop with an average 8:02 pace! Just when I start to think there's something wrong with me, I'll pull a good run out of the hat and it makes me feel a bit better.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Random ramblings of the clinically insane...

I'm watering my lawn tonight.

I need to find a product that will wash the stink out of my running clothes. Somebody said something about anything oxygenated--like Oxyclean. I've tried Penguin Wash before.

I haven't been sleeping well the last few nights. The last two nights I've ended up taking a sleep aid.

My birthday is getting closer, and all I really want is...

My Haley loves me (she just sent me a text saying so!).

My Addi is playing soccer this summer and I might give being her coach a go. Maybe.

The mid-80's David Lee Roth ROCKS! Eat 'Em and Smile is an awesome album.

It's hot. I mean the temperature.

The distance from pitcher's rubber to home plate for the Pony League is 54 feet. For the Colt League it's 60 feet 6 inches.

Jesse Jackson wants to cut Barack Obama's n*ts off.

I've run (ran?) 2 marathons so far this year: Utah Valley and Ogden. I've also run the Squaw Peak 50 and was on a team for the Ragnar Relay Wasatch Back. Why is my head telling me I've run 3 marathons?

The cut-way-too-short TV series Firefly and the subsequent movie Serenity are pretty cool. It's too bad the series didn't get enough traction to keep on keeping on.

CamelBak has a new product out: the Podium Bottle. I think they're pretty cool! They don't make the water taste toxic. And they're BPA free!

What does the Extra Care function on a clothes dryer really do?

I'm going to bed.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Proposed Family Reunion Mtn Bike Ride Route

I think this will be doable for most. The road is a bit rocky and rough, but it's not steep or treacherous.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

It's July 05 and...

...I have not--I repeat, NOT--had my mountain bike up on any trails yet. I disgust myself!

In an effort to redeem myself (because I disgust myself) I think I'm going to try and replace the brake rotors on my car all by my lonesome! If I can do that, maybe--just maybe--I'll feel a little better about not putting my mountain bike to better use. The question now though, is--do I go with your basic rotor from AutoZone or do I go with something better? (I'll probably go with the AutoZone rotors.)

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Ragnar Relay: Wasatch Back 2008

Here's team Citizen Warriors. I'm the dork on the back row, in the middle, with my head thrown back and my mouth wide open. We had fun. I was one of 3 civilians on a Utah National Guard Team. We finished in 26:52:58.8, 125th overall and 1st in our division. They even timed the Ragnar leg--the last leg I ran. I ran it in 52:28.5 and placed 285th. I suck! There's talk about some of us from the team doing the relay again next year as an ultra team.

I've run Monday and Tuesday this week out in the heat--both times packing some nuun in my handheld. Don't like the kona cola flavor all that much but I think I've benefited from taking it along. I bought the nuun online from nuun sampler kit that has 4 tubes of nuun; one each of lemon-lime, tri-berry, citrus fruit, and kona cola. So far all I've tried is the kona cola.