Here's a link to her blog: http://turborunz.blogspot.com
She is just so freaking awesome, I can't even begin to express! She finished in 29:43:38, and has had nothing but good to say about her experience. I was invited to be on her crew, but life and work and a lot of BS got in the way of my going. Maybe next time.
Secondly: Father's Day was a week and a day ago. All four (yes four) of my kids showed up at my parents for our family dinner. That in itself is not only a miracle, but it was pretty darn special to boot. My kids gave me a teddy bear. Very cute. And it talks to me: tells me Happy Father's Day and says how much it loves me. (OK, so it's a recording of my kids that got stuffed into one of the hands of the bear. Still very cool.)
Thirdly: I've been riding my road bike quite a bit lately. Well, maybe not quite a bit. But on Wednesday last week we (we is a few people from the hospital that go on a ride once or twice a week during lunch) headed on up Provo Canyon and South Fork. At the turn-around point, I suddenly got a flat--a rip in the tube near the valve stem. Fortunately, we managed a fix and we all got back safe and sound. Prior to my flat though, we had two of the other riders come unclipped somehow. One turfed it right in the middle of a major intersection in Provo. The other one managed to stay seated but busted off her bottle cage somehow. It was quite the afternoon.
Today I rode my bike up AF Canyon from Grandma's place. Eighteen plus total miles. I only rode up to the Timp Cave Center and then back. AF Canyon is a tough canyon to ride up!