Tuesday, February 27, 2007

"Why am I such a loser!? Why!?" --Homer Simpson

Ever get the feeling...

Abject failure comes to mind


Saturday was set to be the end of a glorious week in regards to my running. Twelve miles was all I needed to complete the week running every mile that I had planned.

Alas, it was not to be. Either due to apathy or laziness, I didn't run at all on Saturday. Actually, I think it was both.

Corbin had his final basketball game for the season Saturday morning at 10 that Addi and I went to. My plan was to run after that. However, Corbin's team ended up winning the game and took 1st place. How awesome is that!? So, as a reward, I took both him and Addi out to Panda Express for lunch. I was going to need at least another 2 hours after that to process lunch before I could even think about running.

Obviously, it didn't happen. And I really don't know what I did between then and going in to work at the theater Saturday night.

Work was fun.


And then up at 7:30 to get the kids home to their mother in time for church and/or in time for her to leave for Wendover. (Don't even get me started on that subject!)

Theater again Sunday afternoon. Helen Mirren won the Oscar for best actress--The Queen was the only "top" movie I've seen this year.

Monday at the hospital where, lucky for me, lunch was paid for by the dept. for a successful year-end closing. And then back to the theater til midnight.

And now here we are at Tuesday. Hospital followed by the theater. Absolutely NO running since Thursday.

"Why am I such a loser!? Why!?"

Nevertheless, here I sit. I'm a little perturbed. I don't like people generally. It's an attitude I've developed over the last few years that concerns me greatly. Generally, I think people are kind and well-intentioned. But there are a lot of people out there that are just complete and total idiots.

I think my job here at the theater is largely responsible for this attitude.

I don't care who you are, what you do, or what your life-experience has been. But do you have to come to the theater and just let it all fly? And I'm talking literally here. Popcorn, soda, candy. It all flies and ends up on the floor or the seats. And guess who gets to clean it up? I'm not anybody's mother!

No, I'm not really talking about you. You're probably the 1 in 10 that is respectful and kind. The one that takes his or her garbage to the garbage can on your way out. And for that I thank you.

And you probably show up on time too. Thanks for that as well. But that's another tale for another time.

I had fish and chips for lunch today. I've had better. Much better. $4.50 for barely-warm fries and soggy fish.

My Hay just brought me down a mint brownie she made.

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