Sunday, November 7, 2010

Gettin' up early to go for a run...

Before you start laughing and shouting, "Bull!" why don't you give me the benefit of the doubt and think positive and encouraging thoughts, such as, "You can do it, man!" "Go get 'em big guy!" or "You are the man!"

This shifting back and forth from standard to daylight savings time is getting old. Personally, I'd prefer we were on daylight savings time year round--I like it lighter later in the day--but I'd content myself with standard time year round. I could adjust.

And once I adjusted I wouldn't ever have to worry about switching the clocks--the real clocks and the one in my head that tells me when it's time to go to bed.

Anyways, I've got the alarm set for 6:00 a.m. I'll get up and get dressed to run and pack a bag with my work stuff. Good plan!

And I'm looking for a shoe and apparel company to sponsor me. Preferably Saucony on the shoes. And if they wanted to pay for all my registration fees, that would be cool too! (Yeah, a mid-pack runner can aspire, can't he?)

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