Went snowshoeing again today.
Dad said he was a bit worried about me on account of a mountain lion sighting he and mom had a while back.
He didn't tell me he was worried about that until I got back though.
Lost my camera in the snow.
Found it.
Didn't make it up to the Timpooneke Road as I had planned due to exhaustion, but I was close. Real close.
The snow was so deep where I turned around that, even with snowshoes on, my feet were sinking in the snow up to my knees!
I enjoyed being the first one to traipse through the freshly fallen snow, but it sure was a workout. My legs are going to hurt tomorrow.
I almost didn't go. Glad I did. Probably should have gone to work though. At least for half a day.
Oh well.
Good times.
I need some good pants to wear snowshoeing...
I'm good Jerry--thanks. I found a pair of $120 pants for $40 today. Maybe I'll try 'em out this weekend!
Jerry, there was soooooo much fresh snow up there on Tuesday--maybe too much to snowshoe in--and the mountains are supposed to get hit again tonight and this weekend!
Did I say something? I don't remember saying anything. Is there another Jerry in your life? I'm confused. I was just going to say that I want to go snowshoeing...
Yes, you did. You mentioned that you had left your snow clothes here and that I could swing by your place to grab 'em. Thought I had published that comment--guess not.
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